CALL US: (02)9958-1582
(during school term)
Office hours Mon/Wed/Fri 9am - 2pm
The preschool follows a four term year and is closed during school and public holidays and the first and last day of each term.
The choices of 2 groups available are:
3 day group – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Operating hours 8.30am – 3.30pm
2 day group – Thursday, Friday
Operating hours 8.00am – 3.30pm
(NOTE: these groups are fixed days, we do not offer any other variant of days)
Fees schedule 2024: Nominal full fees are currently $87.55 per day for 4/5 year olds (4 years + by 31 July 2024) and $97.85 per day for 3 year olds (turns 4 years from 1 August 2024 onwards). Child must be 3 years old prior to starting preschool for Term 1 2024.
Maintenance Levy $4.00 per week and Fundraising Levy $150.00 per year. Extra curricular activities such as sport ($11/session, x4 per term), music ($11.25/session, x2 per term), science ($14/session x2 per term), special art project ($14/session, x1 per term) and any additional incursions that are charged by external service providers will be passed onto parents and will be invoiced with fees each term.
Fees may increase each year due to operational costs and expenses.
For Community Preschools in 2024, the NSW Government is currently providing a fee relief of $4,220 over the full preschool year for all families - for child enrolled in at least 600 hours of preschool. If you choose to accept fee relief from our preschool, the amount is deducted from full fees (on 2 days per week, over the full year of preschool, 41 school term weeks) on a pro rata basis. A term invoice is issued and payable with any fee relief applied so there will be nothing more for you to do or claim.
2024 fees with fee relief applied:
For 4/5 yo child (4 years by 31 July 2024) - $159.73/week for 3 days Mon-Wed group and $72.18/week for 2 days Thur/Fri group
For 3 yo child (4 years from 1 August 2024) - $92.78/week for 2 days Thur/Fri group
Priority will be given to children 4 yo+ as required (turns 4 yo by 31st July, 2024).
NOTE: fee relief can only be claimed from ONE service provider, you must sign a NSW government declaration form to claim fee relief before it will be applied.
Fee relief is based on economic circumstances each year. If there is a fee relief the amount is stipulated by the government.
Further fee relief for some special circumstances maybe available, please contact the Centre Director for further details.